1. For some clarification, Spilled Ink and Writers' Block are two completely separate branches. Spilled Ink is not a branch of Writers' Block, despite what I thought. We are currently just mooching off sharing the funds at the moment, until Spilled Ink can receive its own source of revenue. (In short, we're already in debt...)
2. Announced that website now belongs only to Spilled Ink
3. We did Read-Arounds, discussing the pieces and decided that a couple of the poems could go onto the website. Ms. Render will talk to the authors.
4. Some members took home a couple more pieces to score and review. Thank you!
1. Our goal is to distribute the publication by 12/7/09. If you think we should postpone the date, email me, Vinson, or comment on the website. :) Most of the members believe that we can accomplish our goal, so let's go for it!  
2. We originally decided that the magazine name will be Spilled Ink. Now our club name is Spilled Ink. Do we want the keep the name of the literary magazine (and therefore keep everything consistent and simple)? Or do you guys want to change name of the club/magazine? If so, please send in suggestions! Should we decide to change the title of the publication, my ideas are:  
     -Scribbles From Beyond 
     -The Final Draft
     -....let me get back on this
3. I will update the website so it will have the Rubric (which by the way, I need opinions for) and possibly Submission Guidelines (which we still need to discuss).   4. WE NEED PROSE. And other form of creative writing (songs, scripts, etc.) So far, all we're looking at is poetry. And if you want brownie points, make it holiday-themed. :)

-it's official; Writers' Block now has a branch called Spilled Ink. Spilled Ink will accept and publish creative works of all levels whereas Writers' Block will publish only "professional, UCLA-quality" works.
-Vinson Tran and Pauline Huynh became Co-Presidents of Spilled Ink
-previewed some submissions; members took a couple home to peruse

-Peter presented a powerpoint on what is considered "professional writing" (pfft)
-nothing else T_T

-Peter announced that he has found the submissions from last year
-Slight dispute over office positions
-icebreaker of sorts
-viewed possible logos, designs, etc, which led to a discussion about Spilled Ink's layout and format

-Peter decided to retake the club, which led to mild dispute over office positions.
-Members agreed that fanfiction is not allowed on
Spilled Ink.  (Will be discussed next week)
-Introduced website to club members.

-Started off with icebreaker
-Reinforced ideas from last meeting
-Reviewed Cover Design (Received praise)
-Reviewed Website (Received praise)

Organized Newsletter
-Kristine - Cover Design and Newsletter format
-Pauline - Read-a-round
-Vincent - Website manager
-Vinson - Back-up

-Chapters in Newsletters

Welcome back to School!