Heart of my Hometown

The Heart of my Hometown beats like an ever-working drum.

The Hearts of the fieldworkers pound heavily as the scorching sun envelops the sandy soil in its 
fiery embrace.

The Hearts of perfect strangers beat in unison as their friendly chatter blends into a warm buzz of bumble bees.

The Hearts of the worn simplistic motorbikes vroom and sputter tirelessly over the stony roads and sandy paths.

The Hearts of hardworking parents beat softly as they settle down for supper with their offspring.

The Hearts of the joyful children laugh merrily, filled with a rush of adrenaline as the children play in a game of tag.

The Smell of summer rain patters gently on the muddy trails, speeding up the hearts of the terrified infants as lightning strikes loud and bold.

The Heart of the crackling fire burns fiercely, emitting wondrous warmth as the family huddles together after an exhausting day.

All the warm, variant, and rhythmic beats blend together, forming a uniform pattern—

A pattern that outlines the Heart of my Hometown. 

(c) Pauline Huynh. This work is protected under the Creative Commons License