
Hello there!  Welcome to the Fountain Valley High School Spilled Ink web page.  We are a branch of Writers' Block. Our main objective is to promote and encourage others to increase their skills through writing.

Spilled Ink meets every Monday in room 133, Ms. Render's room, during lunch and is open to anyone who wants to join!  More information is provided in the "Members" tab.

Currently, we are working on a literary magazine, also titled Spilled Ink, to provide the school with creative literary works for the students, from the students.  If you would like to help, contact a member of from the club or ask for Vinson T. or Pauline H.  More information may be found in the Spilled Ink tab.

We are currently creating and editing our website to make it better for you.

Fountain Valley High School
17816 Bushard Street 
  Fountain Valley, CA 92708
